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Chapter 68, Page 6

Hisaki is so confused xD

Chapter 12 has been redrawn!

…and it took way, way too long! Sorry about that! If you have already read the old chapters, I hope you will still check out this one, as it goes very differently from the original chapter 12. Also, I’m just very proud of the fight scene we did, so that’s a reason to check it out, too. xD

Anyway, wish me luck with chapter 13, I really wanna finish it in the usual 2ish months rather than taking half a year again. ^^;

Comment section fixed.

For years now, the comment section has been requiring people to login with a WP account, and no one told me! 😂 So now, we have changed it to a Disqus system, which hopefully more people use. If you still can’t comment for whatever reason, please reach out to me on socials (links in the sidebar) and I will see what I can do.